February Upland Hunting Update
That time of the year has come when many folks think that the hunting season is over. While this may be true for deer and ducks, it is not the case for Upland Bird Hunting at Heartland Lodge. We had a busy fall and early winter season, and our hunting season will continue through early April. The weather, as most are aware, was and continues to be very mild and co-operative. Now is a great time to consider coming to join us for an Upland Hunt at Heartland. Over the next 4-8 weeks are some ideal times to reserve a hunt as we have a number of large groups coming in that we will be liberating birds for. Of course, not all of the birds will be harvested. So, after these large hunts is a perfect time to come and possibly have a really productive pheasant and quail hunt.
Take advantage of our winter upland hunting promotions here >>
On another hunting note, I mentioned in several of my blogs that we need to pass our hunting heritage and right on to our young people. I am happy to say that I had the privilege of taking a number of parents out with their children for some really great Upland Bird Hunts over the past 4 months. You can’t believe how much all of us enjoyed these hunts. All of the young folks were very safe hunters who became very proficient at the Upland Hunting process. I think that each and every one of them enjoyed their time at the lodge with their parents to the fullest. They all said they wanted to come back and do it again. What a pleasure to see this bond building between parent and child, while many of the kids were in the early to later teen years, a lot of them were in the 25-to-35-year age group. Just imagine how many memories were being built and how many conversations over the years will allude back to those bird hunts at Heartland.
February Weather Forecast
After a few more days of cold temperatures, the weather forecast appears to be milder towards the middle of month. There are several great advantages to hunting birds during this time of the year.
- No bugs!! I’m assuming most of our Northern friends know a thing or two about mosquitoes, black flies and midges. Don’t worry, they do not make their appearance here until later in April and May -no snakes either!
- Comfortable hunting conditions- the guides and the dogs at the lodge enjoy hunting the colder weather during the late season. You do not have to worry about dogs overheating and the guides can wear their favorite pair of pants and jackets without overheating as well!
- Upland birds during this time frame are typically congregated around quality cover and food sources. Finding pockets of several pheasants or coveys of quail makes for an exciting hunt!
The Heartland Lodge Experience
One last item, when you come to Heartland Lodge, we want your experience to be the best that it can be. Our goal is to provide you, the Upland Bird hunter, with an outstanding experience not only in the field but throughout your stay with us. We pride ourselves in giving you our utmost attention and making certain that you will have a great experience while you are with us at Heartland Lodge. In addition, if you would like to bring your spouse along on a hunt as a walk along, photographer or just to share the hunt with you we are happy to have them along.
If I can help you by answering any questions about our Upland Bird hunting venue, find a quality bird dog for you, give you a tip on training your dog or book an upcoming hunt, by all means do not hesitate in contacting us at 217-734-2526 or Office@HeartlandLodge.com
Roger Keller
For more information on our upland hunts, click here >>
For more information on our snow goose/ upland combo hunts, click here >>
Last Updated: January 31st, 2023