Treestand Safety and Maintenance Tips
Treestand Safety and Maintenance Tips
Treestand safety and maintenance is one of the most important and overlooked procedures when it comes to deer hunting. Just like getting your bow properly tuned and sighted in, to getting clothing scent free and ready for the season, tree stands need to be cared for just the same or even more thoroughly. Whether you tree stand is sitting in the garage waiting to be put up or still is in the tree from last year, following are some maintenance tips that will increase your overall safety.
Treestand Safety and Maintenance Checklist
- Check the tree strap on the stand to make sure no rips, tears, or dry rot has occurred
- Make sure all nuts and bolts are tight on the platform and seat
- Make sure all cables are secure and in good shape
- Check all welds and crossbar supports for cracks
- Hang stand with a safety harness or climbing belt
- Check to make sure your stand isn’t making any noise when you stand up or sit down on the seat
- Make sure the bow hook or pack holder is still in good shape
- Check the tie-up rope
- On ladderstands, make sure all the ladder sections are still seated tightly with one another and the safety pins in the ladder are all still there (I like to zip tie them to the ladder, so they do not rattle when climbing)
- Clear all vines or other debris that could tangle in your bow or gun when raising it to your stand with your tie-up rope
- If possible, it’s best to check ladderstands/ treestands with another person for safety precautions
Good luck and safe hunting this season!
Last Updated: August 19th, 2024