Best Pheasant Hunting Lodges

Best Pheasant Hunting Lodge The best pheasant hunting lodges take great steps to blur the line between shooting pheasants and giving the upland hunter the best wingshooting experience, they could expect anywhere. When the discriminating wingshooter follows their dog into the lush upland field carrying their vintage side by side, they know the difference between pheasant shooting and a pheasant hunting experience. Any hunt that involves pen-raised pheasants (quail or chukar) that are released for the gunners, can be both thrilling and challenging for the weekend warrior; but for the discriminating wingshooter they expect more. They are looking for the once in a lifetime hunting experience that can only be found at the best pheasant hunting lodges.

The most coveted hunting in the Midwest is a true wild Pheasant Hunt. No pen raised birds, no morning of releases, and no shortcut in getting your limit of birds. These pheasant hunters travel from each coast in search of the total pheasant hunting experience at the best pheasant hunting lodges. They want to feel the pressure of walking past the staunch pointer and putting a cackling rooster up in hoped of making the crossing shot of the day. Knowing if they miss the pheasant there is a good chance that might be the last bird and they can’t stand to look at the dog and seeing his disappointment in not getting to make the retrieve.

Best Pheasant Hunting Lodges

hunting pheasants at orvis endorsed lodge The best pheasant hunting lodges offer high-end accommodations. Gourmet meals, large screen TVs, fireplaces to relax next to, and friendships to share the daily hunt stories with while enjoying the finer scotches. The pampering doesn’t end when you walk out of the lodge. Professional guides and dogs are the keys to the very best pheasant hunting experience. When you enter acres on top of acres of prime pheasant hunting habitat that these wild pheasants call home it is best to do so with the confidence of a professional guide and his champion pointing dogs. At Heartland Lodge, we offer Luxury Accommodations and some of the best Homecooked Meals any pheasant hunting lodge can offer!

Best Place to Hunt Pheasants?

Closing in on a pheasant Pheasant hunting lodges that practice the best bird management programs have the best success for their hunter. The only way this can be done is focusing on the resting the fields more than hunting them. At Harpole’s Heartland Lodge the focus is on giving each hunter the best chance to see a high number of birds.

Pheasants and bobwhite quail fill up the game bags with Illinois’ liberal bag limits; 2 cock pheasants and 8 bobwhites per day. With miles of timber and field edges coupled with 1000’s of acres of prairie grass, each hunter has an increased chance of filling their bag with upland birds. If the pheasant and quail hunt is planned at the right time of the year the hunter could catch the migrating Woodcock and even find Huns on the field edges.  The hunters are welcome to bring their own dog but are encouraged to hunt with a guide and their well-trained, seasoned bird dogs.

Pheasant Hunting Package Rates>>

Quail Hunting Package Rates >>

Ready to book a hunt at the nation’s best pheasant hunting lodge & outfitter? Call 217-734-2526 or E-Mail for more details on booking a once in a lifetime pheasant hunt.

Last Updated: December 20th, 2024

4 thoughts on “Best Pheasant Hunting Lodges

    1. Hi Ken, thanks for inquiring about an upland hunt. We offer self guided hunts December through April. We’ll send you an email with more information on our rates and different packages.
      Thank you!

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