Gripping a Bow. One small grip change to increase stability.
Anyone archer knows even slightly flinching or tilting your bow can throw an arrow inches or feet off the desired target. While there will always be variability in archery, making a small adjustment to the way you grip your bow can increase stability.
“Canting” your bow is the act of tilting your bow from side to side. In other words, your hold is not pure. Shots will inevitably drift from side to side leading to hours of frustration on the target range or even worse, a poorly hit animal. With todays lighter and faster bows, even the slightest flinch or tilt throws off a shot. Some old schools of thought have taught us to shoot with our bow hand open. The handle laying flat against an open palm is much more difficult to balance allowing the bow to lean side to side much more freely. Any combination of factors such as weight of the bow, wind or personal nerves can cause the bow to “cant”. You will find yourself fighting the bow back into a pure hold putting more strain on your muscles ultimately leading to a rushed shot.
There are also schools of thought concerning a closed fist while shooting. Restricting blood flow, and tensing muscles can lead to instability and torquing of the bow as well. Finding the right grip which feels comfortable but walks the fine line between stability and instability can often be a challenge for archers, especially those who may be new to the sport.
Tips of the fingers.
Yes you want stability and control while not completely restricting the bow and straining your muscles. Stabilizing the bow can be as easy as curling your fingers. Gently pressing your finger tips to the handle helps with stabilizing the bow from wanting to lean side to side. You get better control without becoming tense. In addition, this helps you keep control of the bow upon releasing.
While there will always be an aspect of variability in archery, having a solid and comfortable grip method can help you dial in that much tighter and boost your confidence for your next deer.
Shoot Straight,
Jason Reid
Last Updated: September 16th, 2013