Upland Bird Hunting? Let’s Get Ready, Now is the Time!
1) Start by getting regular exercise for yourself and your family and friends if they are going to be part of the hunting party. Go for a family walk or bike ride, but don’t be casual about it. Make yourself and everyone else work during these outings. This is the way to build stamina and endurance. When you come and hunt at Heartland Lodge, we want to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. We will tailor your hunt to whatever you want it to be. A slow and relaxed pace or a more aggressive hunt and everything in between is possible.
2) If you own hunting dogs begin the conditioning process, remember to not overdo these sessions when the weather is too hot. Start slow, go for short walks/runs in the early morning or late evening when cooler temperatures prevail. Consider what food you are feeding, now may be the time to move up to a performance blend of food rather than wait until the start of hunting season. It does take some time for a change in diet to take effect.
3) Check your hunting gear, does it need repair or replacement? Nothing is more frustrating than finding out the night before you are going hunting that your boots leak or that your hunting pants have somehow shrunk while just hanging up in the closet. Funny it’s always the pants, never the socks. While you are at it you may want to check your socks for wear, a new pair of socks with a good toe, foot and heel pad that wick moisture away from your feet are a good investment and usually not very expensive.
4) Gun check/ significant other check. If you need a new gun or an upgrade first check with your significant other. Once in the clear go out and get something that is both functional and pleasing to you. Gauge is personal preference. Styles is the same, by and large over and under guns seem to be the most popular for bird hunting. But there are no rules, just whatever suites you.
5) Vehicle check. No I am not suggesting you go out and buy a new one. Just look over what may need to be done before setting out, battery up to speed, tires good, heater/air conditioner working properly. Just common-sense stuff and you should be good to go.
Thank you to each and every one of you that hunted with us last season, we enjoyed having you and the privilege of guiding you. We look forward to seeing you again. I know that personally I had some really great hunts, and I will be ready to do it again in a few short months.
Happy Hunting!
-Roger Keller
Last Updated: August 13th, 2024