Whitetail Deer Hunting

Great day of shed hunting.

Shed season to the most avid shed hunters has an early, middle, and late season. And each has its own unique strategy. Unfortunately, we are entering the latter end of the season here in Illinois. We’re at our peak hiking levels; most of us are probably in the best shape we will be in all

fresh shed in the snow

Compared to last year’s mild winter with several days of above average temperatures and hardly any snow accumulation in West-Central Illinois, this year has been a different story. The biggest advantage to having a hard winter for shed hunting purposes is that the sheds will be more concentrated. When the weather is milder and little

Old wooden step treestand.

Ask any bowhunter about their favorite treestand location and they’ll probably have a name for it; “A” stand, honey hole, assassin, death valley, etc. There’s a special stand location in every whitetail hunter’s head that they think about year-around. Waiting for that special week or even day that they can slip into their “A” stand

Illinois archery hunting outfitters

It was day 5, and after a long week of bowhunting hard, Dennis and I were making our long, uphill trek to a secluded beanfield where Dennis had already made three long sits without any sightings of the buck he was after. A mature, main frame eight point nicknamed “Hank”. Hank was consistently popping up

Nice buck on trail camera in Pike County, IL

The weather forecast for the last week of October is going to bring well-above average temperatures before a major front moves through on Halloween that will bring a drop in temperatures and a few days of off and on rain showers. Even with warmer temperatures this week, this can be a great opportunity to hunt

Finding land in a highly managed deer hunting area can lead to consistent success!

Purchasing Illinois Deer Hunting Land Specifically for Upper-Age Class Whitetails There are hundreds of farms for sale right now in Illinois being marketed as Illinois deer hunting land. How do you choose one from another when the ads all say something like- “big buck factory, whitetail paradise, dream deer hunting farm, the perfect deer hunting

Early Season Whitetail Hunting

Bowhunting mature whitetails in Mid-October can be challenging, yet very rewarding when the weather conditions cooperate. Deer movement can seem to be idle at best during the “Indian Summers” the Midwest typically experiences sometime during the first 2-3 weeks of October. Many whitetail hunters refer to this time of year as the “October Lull”. However,

Nice eight pointer in soybeans.

SCROLL DOWN TO SEE ALL SCOUTING PHOTOS!  The bucks are looking great here in Pike County, Illinois as we are just days away from opening day of deer season! We’ve had an optimal growing season this summer and the bucks are looking great! Sign up to win a FREE WHITETAIL HUNT!! All you have to

A deer hunting at Heartland Lodge Outfitters

Bowhunting Illinois Outfitters – Pike County, IL Heartland Lodge is a specialized bowhunting outfitter located in Pike County, Illinois. We take bowhunting very seriously at the lodge. All of our guides are accomplished bowhunters and know how to put you in a position to have a great bowhunting experience. Bowhunting without a doubt is an

Business of the year plaque.

We are very proud of our awesome team for being recognized as the Pike County Business of the Year! Heartland Lodge was among three finalists. The other two finalists are both excellent businesses and are both leaders in our community. We were blessed to be chosen as this year’s winner! The award was presented at

Whitetail Hunts Available for this Upcoming Season!Limited Spots Available!