The Ten Most Important Dog Training Tips
Repetition –Dog learn through repetition. You need to be consistent so that the dogs understand what you want him to do and avoiding mixed signals.
Trust your abilities –Be confident that you can train your dog and do a good job at it. This will make training your dog successful no matter what techniques you use. Think positive!
Read your dog – In order to train your dog you must be able to read him know his strengths and weakness. Know how far you can push him without breaking his spirit. Read his body language in order to know if he understands and respond as you see fit.
Respond Quickly – Respond quickly to both positive and negative behaviors. This allows your dog to know that there will be praise or rewards for good behavior and consequences for bad behavior.
Attitude – Dogs learn from positive attitudes. If you reward the dog for a job well done they are more likely to repeat that task. Never have an angry attitude when correcting behaviors. This will not teach the dog it only ruins your relationship with him. Always end your training session positive.
Notes- Keep a journal of what works and what doesn’t. Track what was taught so that you can go back to see progress made from session to session.
Socialize – A dog needs to be socialized. They need positive encounters with other dogs, people, and their surroundings on a regular basis starting as a puppy.
Surroundings – In the beginning dogs need to be free of distractions. This helps them focus on you. As the dog learns what you want from him introduce new surroundings and distractions.
Wellbeing – In order for your dog to work to his potential he needs to be in good health. Feed high-quality food. Visit Vet regularly for shots and yearly check ups. Keep him on a monthly routine of wormer and flea and tick medicine, even during the winter.
Versatility – Each dog is different. He will learn at a different pace than another dog you may have already trained or come in contact with. Be prepared to use different training techniques. Some techniques don’t work for all dogs. Have patience!