Orvis Endorsed Wingshooting Lodges

Top rated dogs and guides at Orvis Lodge February 14th, 2025 – Orvis Upland Hunting Lodge Report –“Book your next Orvis Endorsed Wingshooting trip for the upcoming pheasant and quail seasons! We have been Orvis endorsed for 25 years! Book a hunt today and see why we are considered the PREMIER Orvis hunting lodge for pheasant and quail hunting! Experience our “6-star” resort and premier wingshooting opportunities this season for yourself! Gourmet meals, luxury lodging, some of the best bird dogs in the country, professional guides and fast flying quail and pheasants! Enjoy an all-day upland hunt or a guest favorite- upland/ waterfowl combo hunt this winter or spring. Inquire today at 217-734-2526 or E-Mail.”

Heartland Lodge is an Orvis endorsed wingshooting lodge located in Pike County, Illinois. We specialize in phenomenal wingshooting opportunities including luxury lodging, home-cooked meals, and some of the best Orvis endorsed pheasant and quail hunting available! Enjoy quality bird dog work, professional guides, and highly managed upland fields specifically designed for the ultimate pheasant and quail wingshooting experience!

Local airport pickup available from Pittsfield Penstone Municipal Airport (KPPQ). Only 20 minutes from the lodge! JetA and Avgas available at this airport. 4,000 ft. of asphalt..

Orvis Endorsed Pheasant & Quail Hunting Lodge

Orvis endorsed wingshooting lodge logo At Orvis endorsed Heartland Lodge, we take our pheasant and quail hunting experience to the next level. We manage our upland fields specifically for the wingshooter. We strive to establish the best upland habitat possible. Controlled burns, corn and milo food plots, native grass management, predator control and brood cover enhancement are all taken into account to create a one of a kind wingshooting experience for our upland hunters. An upland hunt at Heartland Lodge will be cherished for a lifetime!